Welcome to the History of the Watson's Boats

How many boats have you had in your life time?

I have owned more than I can count!
Below is a history of what I can document with our pictures. I did this page for the benefit of my grandchildren. (Grandson at the moment!) They can look at this page and know at a glance what old grandpa is talking about.

   OUR NEW "Kindred Spirit"
Morgan 43 Feb 2002.....last boat!

    "Kindred Spirit"
Catalina 34 1998-Feb 2002

See my past hobby, working on our Catalina 34 sailboat. Kindred Spirit  Upgrades. Since this is the vehicle which brings other sailors to see my upgrades, I try to explain in detail & pictures, what I have done.

Irwin 37 Center Cockpit 1994-1997

Tanzer 27 1993/94

Coronado 35 Center Cockpit 1991- 1993

Two 16' Boats at once 1992
My sons first boat on left.

"Capt Crunch"
Searay 26'

"Special K"
Searay 24'

18' Winner 55hp

 McGregor 22  campertop

Fiberglass 15'

Lightning 19'

Thistle 18'

My first Fiberglass boat (Fixer-upper)
14' 35hp

My first wood boat was a fixer-upper
18' Lyman
These three pics are the same boat!

Boats owned by my father that I used as a kid were not included here.

Happy Sailing!
Al and Michele Watson



E-Mail me if you have any questions at alwsail1@gmail.com 
E-Mail Michele at mwseashell@gmail.com


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