Names of our Wheatens

Choosing names for our children, our pets, our boats, our estates (for those who have one to name ;-) has always been a matter for great thought and careful choice. This page is dedicated to the naming of soft-coated wheaten terriers, as surveyed through Wheaten-L, an internet email list for wheaten lovers. Many of the names have special meaning to the humans who chose them; others are "just because." Some owners choose names with a theme, as in Chip and Dale, Guiness and Killian, Flurry and Katie (PBS TV Series), Scarlett, Rhett, Belle, Bridie, Tara (Gone With The Wind). Many breeders name an entire litter with a theme, such as jazz singers (Cabaret Wheaten) or alphabetically, as in the "K" litter . Certainly, the most common choice for a wheaten name is an Irish one, naturally!

Three sources for Irish names on the internet are:
Irish names
Hylit: Irish Names
CGIS Name site : Celtic, Gaelic or Scottish names

To view our wheaten names by frequency               

 To view our wheaten names alphabetically


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